Protein Sequence Alignment for Two Protein Sequences
Protein Sequence Alignment for Two Protein Sequences
- seq1
A character string, containing one protein sequence.
- seq2
A character string, containing another protein sequence.
- type
Type of alignment, default is
, could be'global'
, where'global'
represents Needleman-Wunsch global alignment;'local'
represents Smith-Waterman local alignment.- submat
Substitution matrix, default is
, could be one of'BLOSUM45'
See also
See calcParProtSeqSim
for paralleled pairwise
protein similarity calculation based on sequence alignment.
See calcTwoProtGOSim
for calculating the
GO semantic similarity between two groups of GO terms or two Entrez gene IDs.
s1 = readFASTA(system.file('protseq/P00750.fasta', package = 'Rcpi'))[[1]]
s2 = readFASTA(system.file('protseq/P10323.fasta', package = 'Rcpi'))[[1]]
# \donttest{
seqalign = calcTwoProtSeqSim(s1, s2)
#> Error: The package "pwalign" is required. Please install it from Bioconductor.
#> Error: object 'seqalign' not found
slot(seqalign, "score")# }
#> Error: object 'seqalign' not found