Protein Similarity Calculation based on Gene Ontology (GO) Similarity
Protein Similarity Calculation based on Gene Ontology (GO) Similarity
- id1
A character vector. length > 1: each element is a GO term; length = 1: the Entrez Gene ID.
- id2
A character vector. length > 1: each element is a GO term; length = 1: the Entrez Gene ID.
- type
Input type of id1 and id2,
for GO Terms,'gene'
for gene ID.- ont
Default is
, could be one of'MF'
, or'CC'
subontologies.- organism
Default is
, could be one of'anopheles'
.- measure
Default is
, could be one of'Resnik'
.- combine
Default is
, could be one of'max'
for combining semantic similarity scores of multiple GO terms associated with protein.
This function calculates the Gene Ontology (GO) similarity between two groups of GO terms or two Entrez gene IDs.
See also
See calcParProtGOSim
protein similarity calculation based on
Gene Ontology (GO) semantic similarity.
See calcParProtSeqSim
for paralleled protein similarity
calculation based on sequence alignment.
# By GO terms
go1 = c("GO:0004022", "GO:0004024", "GO:0004023")
go2 = c("GO:0009055", "GO:0020037")
calcTwoProtGOSim(go1, go2, type = 'go', ont = 'MF', measure = 'Wang')
#> Warning: use 'annoDb' instead of 'OrgDb'
#> Error in loadNamespace(name): there is no package called ‘org.Hs.eg.db’
# By Entrez gene id
gene1 = '241'
gene2 = '251'
calcTwoProtGOSim(gene1, gene2, type = 'gene', ont = 'CC', measure = 'Lin')
#> Warning: use 'annoDb' instead of 'OrgDb'
#> Error in loadNamespace(name): there is no package called ‘org.Hs.eg.db’