Amino Acid Composition Descriptor
M. Bhasin, G. P. S. Raghava. Classification of Nuclear Receptors Based on Amino Acid Composition and Dipeptide Composition. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2004, 279, 23262.
See also
See extractProtDC
and extractProtTC
for Dipeptide Composition and Tripeptide Composition descriptors.
x = readFASTA(system.file('protseq/P00750.fasta', package = 'Rcpi'))[[1]]
#> A R N D C E Q
#> 0.06405694 0.07117438 0.03914591 0.05160142 0.06761566 0.04804270 0.04804270
#> G H I L K M F
#> 0.08185053 0.03024911 0.03558719 0.07651246 0.03914591 0.01245552 0.03202847
#> P S T W Y V
#> 0.05338078 0.08896797 0.04448399 0.02313167 0.04270463 0.04982206