Descriptor that Calculates the Petitjean Shape Indices
Descriptor that Calculates the Petitjean Shape Indices
A data frame, each row represents one of the molecules,
each column represents one feature.
This function returns two columns named
(Topological Shape Index) and
(Geometric Shape Index).
The topological and geometric shape indices described Petitjean and Bath et al. respectively. Both measure the anisotropy in a molecule.
Petitjean, M., Applications of the radius-diameter diagram to the classification of topological and geometrical shapes of chemical compounds, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 1992, 32:331-337
Bath, P.A. and Poirette, A.R. and Willet, P. and Allen, F.H. , The Extent of the Relationship between the Graph-Theoretical and the Geometrical Shape Coefficients of Chemical Compounds, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 1995, 35:714-716.
sdf = system.file('sysdata/OptAA3d.sdf', package = 'Rcpi')
# \donttest{
mol = readMolFromSDF(sdf)
#> Error in loadMolecules(normalizePath(sdffile)): The package "rcdk" is required to load molecular structures
dat = extractDrugPetitjeanShapeIndex(mol)
#> Error in evaluateDescriptor(molecules, type = "PetitjeanShapeIndexDescriptor", silent = silent): The package "rcdk" is required to compute molecular descriptors
head(dat)# }
#> Error: object 'dat' not found