Descriptor that Calculates the Number of Atoms in the Longest Aliphatic Chain
Descriptor that Calculates the Number of Atoms in the Longest Aliphatic Chain
A data frame, each row represents one of the molecules,
each column represents one feature.
This function returns one column named nAtomLAC
smi = system.file('vignettedata/FDAMDD.smi', package = 'Rcpi')
# \donttest{
mol = readMolFromSmi(smi, type = 'mol')
#> Error in parseSmiles(smi): The package "rcdk" is required to parse SMILES
dat = extractDrugLongestAliphaticChain(mol)
#> Error in evaluateDescriptor(molecules, type = "LongestAliphaticChainDescriptor", silent = silent): The package "rcdk" is required to compute molecular descriptors
head(dat)# }
#> Error: object 'dat' not found