Calculate the FMF Descriptor
A data frame, each row represents one of the molecules,
each column represents one feature.
This function returns one column named FMF
Calculates the FMF descriptor characterizing molecular complexity in terms of its Murcko framework. This descriptor is the ratio of heavy atoms in the framework to the total number of heavy atoms in the molecule. By definition, acyclic molecules which have no frameworks, will have a value of 0. Note that the authors consider an isolated ring system to be a framework (even though there is no linker).
Yang, Y., Chen, H., Nilsson, I., Muresan, S., & Engkvist, O. (2010). Investigation of the relationship between topology and selectivity for druglike molecules. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 53(21), 7709-7714.
smi = system.file('vignettedata/FDAMDD.smi', package = 'Rcpi')
# \donttest{
mol = readMolFromSmi(smi, type = 'mol')
#> Error in parseSmiles(smi): The package "rcdk" is required to parse SMILES
dat = extractDrugFMF(mol)
#> Error in evaluateDescriptor(molecules, type = "FMFDescriptor", silent = silent): The package "rcdk" is required to compute molecular descriptors
head(dat)# }
#> Error: object 'dat' not found