

Casein kinase II subunit alpha


Catalytic subunit of a constitutively active serine/threonine-protein kinase complex that phosphorylates a large number of substrates containing acidic residues C-terminal to the phosphorylated serine or threonine. Regulates numerous cellular processes, such as cell cycle progression, apoptosis and transcription, as well as viral infection. May act as a regulatory node which integrates and coordinates numerous signals leading to an appropriate cellular response. During mitosis, functions as a component of the p53/TP53-dependent spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) that maintains cyclin-B-CDK1 activity and G2 arrest in response to spindle damage. Also required for p53/TP53-mediated apoptosis, phosphorylating 'Ser-392' of p53/TP53 following UV irradiation. Can also negatively regulate apoptosis. Phosphorylates the caspases CASP9 and CASP2 and the apoptotic regulator NOL3. Phosphorylation protects CASP9 from cleavage and activation by CASP8, and inhibits the dimerization of CASP2 and activation of CASP8. Regulates transcription by direct phosphorylation of RNA polymerases I, II, III and IV. Also phosphorylates and regulates numerous transcription factors including NF-kappa-B, STAT1, CREB1, IRF1, IRF2, ATF1, SRF, MAX, JUN, FOS, MYC and MYB. Phosphorylates Hsp90 and its co-chaperones FKBP4 and CDC37, which is essential for chaperone function. Regulates Wnt signaling by phosphorylating CTNNB1 and the transcription factor LEF1. Acts as an ectokinase that phosphorylates several extracellular proteins. During viral infection, phosphorylates various proteins involved in the viral life cycles of EBV, HSV, HBV, HCV, HIV, CMV and HPV. Phosphorylates PML at 'Ser-565' and primes it for ubiquitin- mediated degradation.

Database Links

Database Links
UniProt P68400
PDB 1JWH, 1NA7, 1PJK, 2PVR, 2ZJW, 3AMY, 3AT2, 3AT3, 3AT4, 3AXW, 3BQC, 3C13, 3FWQ, 3H30, 3JUH, 3MB6, 3MB7, 3NGA, 3NSZ, 3OWJ, 3OWK, 3OWL, 3PE1, 3PE2, 3PE4, 3Q04, 3Q9W, 3Q9X, 3Q9Y, 3Q9Z, 3QA0, 3R0T, 3RPS, 3TAX, 3U4U, 3U87, 3U9C, 3W8L, 3WAR, 4DGL, 4FBX, 4GRB, 4GUB, 4GYW, 4GYY, 4GZ3, 4IB5, 4MD7, 4MD8, 4MD9
BioGrid 107841
BindingDB P68400
DrugBank Not available
Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 1549
PharmGKB PA26957
KEGG hsa:1457
BioCyc Not available
Entrez Gene (GeneID) 1457

Chemical Space of the Positive Compounds

Model Performance Metrics

Metric Mean Value Standard Deviation
AUC 0.9138 0.0081
Accuracy 0.8616 0.012
Sensitivity 0.8348 0.0125
Specificity 0.894 0.0135
BEDROC 0.9522 0.0246
MCC Threshold 0.486 N/A
MCC 0.761 N/A
F-score Threshold 0.486 N/A
F-score 0.8864 N/A


R Model Object

Random Forest model object (.RData)

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Positive Set

SMILES string + affinity value (.tsv)

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