

Somatostatin receptor type 4


Receptor for somatostatin-14. The activity of this receptor is mediated by G proteins which inhibits adenylyl cyclase. It is functionally coupled not only to inhibition of adenylate cyclase, but also to activation of both arachidonate release and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade. Mediates antiproliferative action of somatostatin in tumor cells.

Database Links

Database Links
UniProt P31391
PDB Not available
BioGrid 112632
BindingDB P31391
DrugBank Not available
PharmGKB PA36157
KEGG hsa:6754
BioCyc Not available
Entrez Gene (GeneID) 6754

Chemical Space of the Positive Compounds

Model Performance Metrics

Metric Mean Value Standard Deviation
AUC 0.9843 0.0013
Accuracy 0.9497 0.0031
Sensitivity 0.9511 0.0058
Specificity 0.9485 0.0034
BEDROC 0.9822 0.011
MCC Threshold 0.398 N/A
MCC 0.9069 N/A
F-score Threshold 0.398 N/A
F-score 0.9511 N/A


R Model Object

Random Forest model object (.RData)

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Positive Set

SMILES string + affinity value (.tsv)

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Page generated on: 2014-04-29 14:39:33