All opinions expressed are those of the presenter and not Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA.
November 4, 2021
All opinions expressed are those of the presenter and not Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA.
pkglite is available from CRAN
library("pkglite") "/path/to/pkg/" %>% collate(file_ectd(), file_auto("inst/")) %>% pack() pack( "/path/to/pkg1/" %>% collate(file_ectd()), "/path/to/pkg2/" %>% collate(file_ectd()), output = "/path/to/pkglite.txt" ) "/path/to/pkglite.txt" %>% unpack(output = "/path/to/output/", install = TRUE)
, .Rprofile
, .Renviron
)library("cleanslate") "portable-project/" %>% use_project(repo = "https://url/snapshot/2021-11-04/") %>% use_rprofile() %>% use_renviron() %>% use_r_version(version = "4.1.1") %>% use_rtools(version = "rtools40")
(Under validation)
Single package from remote URL:
pkglink::import("mypkg", from = "https://url/mypkg@0.2.0.rpkg")
Local file and with alias:
pkglink::import("mypkg", as = "yourpkg", from = "/path/to/mypkg.rpkg")
Multiple packages but selectively:
pkglink::import(c("mypkg1", "mypkg3"), from = "https://url/mypkgs.rpkg")
Multiple packages with aliases:
pkglink::import(c("mypkg1", "mypkg2"), as = c("yourpkg1", "yourpkg2"), from = "mypkgs.rpkg")
(In development)