The ETag is provided for the correctness check upon completion of the whole upload. Value for the ETag is provided by AWS S3 service when uploading the file in the ETag header.
upload_complete_part( auth_token = NULL, upload_id = NULL, part_number = NULL, e_tag = NULL, ... )
auth_token | auth token |
upload_id | ID of the upload |
part_number | ID of the part you wish to report as completed |
e_tag | Value of the ETag header returned by AWS S3 when uploading part of the file. |
... | parameters passed to sbgapi function |
parsed list of the returned json
token = '58aeb140-1970-0130-6386-001f5b34aa78' req = upload_complete_part(token, upload_id = '8D7sQJxQk14ubsEnKaoeQZlRvV6ouQtMzBWaQNJdxPDLypUC3WogwtJdncevHxnT', part_number = '1', e_tag = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e')#> Error: HTTP Status 404: /1.1/upload/multipart/8D7sQJxQk14ubsEnKaoeQZlRvV6ouQtMzBWaQNJdxPDLypUC3WogwtJdncevHxnT not found