Runs a task as a part of a project.

task_run(auth_token = NULL, project_id = NULL, task_details = NULL, ...)



auth token


ID of a project you want to access.


A list with the following components:

  • pipeline_id - ID of the pipeline you wish to execute

  • pipeline_revision - Revision of the pipeline you wish to execute. If not specified, latest revision is used.

  • name - Name of the task you wish to execute

  • description - Description of the task you wish to execute

  • inputs - Named list containing mappings of pipeline input node ID to file IDs. Note that file IDs always need to be specified as an list, even if empty or with one element.

  • parameters - Named list containing mappings of node IDs to apps specific parameters. Note that parameters are always specified as an list, even if empty or with one element.


parameters passed to sbgapi function


parsed list of the returned json


All the details, including the pipeline ID and runtime parameters, are specified via a list. See the example for details.


token = '58aeb140-1970-0130-6386-001f5b34aa78' details = list( 'name' = 'Test 2 of C. Elegans VC', 'description' = 'Testing Caenorhabditis elegans Exome Variant Calling', 'pipeline_id' = '422', 'inputs' = list('309485' = 13645, '317344' = 13646, '318662' = 13645, '699018' = 13647), 'parameters' = list('393463' = list('read_trimming_qual' = 30, 'rg_seq_tech' = 'Illumina'), '677492' = list())) req = task_run(token, project_id = '7f7a72d0-da77-4f51-9416-99f14f7316ab', task_details = details)
#> Error: HTTP Status 404: /1.1/project/7f7a72d0-da77-4f51-9416-99f14f7316ab/task not found