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Compare high-dimensional Cox models by model validation


  model.type = c("lasso", "alasso", "flasso", "enet", "aenet", "mcp", "mnet", "scad",
  method = c("bootstrap", "cv", ""),
  boot.times = NULL,
  nfolds = NULL,
  rep.times = NULL,
  tauc.type = c("CD", "SZ", "UNO"),
  seed = 1001,
  trace = TRUE



Matrix of training data used for fitting the model; on which to run the validation.


Survival time. Must be of the same length with the number of rows as x.


Status indicator, normally 0 = alive, 1 = dead. Must be of the same length with the number of rows as x.


Model types to compare. Could be at least two of "lasso", "alasso", "flasso", "enet", "aenet", "mcp", "mnet", "scad", or "snet".


Validation method. Could be "bootstrap", "cv", or "".


Number of repetitions for bootstrap.


Number of folds for cross-validation and repeated cross-validation.


Number of repeated times for repeated cross-validation.


Type of time-dependent AUC. Including "CD" proposed by Chambless and Diao (2006)., "SZ" proposed by Song and Zhou (2008)., "UNO" proposed by Uno et al. (2007).


Numeric vector. Time points at which to evaluate the time-dependent AUC.


A random seed for cross-validation fold division.


Logical. Output the validation progress or not. Default is TRUE.


Chambless, L. E. and G. Diao (2006). Estimation of time-dependent area under the ROC curve for long-term risk prediction. Statistics in Medicine 25, 3474--3486.

Song, X. and X.-H. Zhou (2008). A semiparametric approach for the covariate specific ROC curve with survival outcome. Statistica Sinica 18, 947--965.

Uno, H., T. Cai, L. Tian, and L. J. Wei (2007). Evaluating prediction rules for t-year survivors with censored regression models. Journal of the American Statistical Association 102, 527--537.


x <- as.matrix(smart[, -c(1, 2)])[1:1000, ]
time <- smart$TEVENT[1:1000]
event <- smart$EVENT[1:1000]

# Compare lasso and adaptive lasso by 5-fold cross-validation <- compare_by_validate(
  x, time, event,
  model.type = c("lasso", "alasso"),
  method = "cv", nfolds = 5, tauc.type = "UNO",
  tauc.time = seq(0.25, 2, 0.25) * 365, seed = 1001
#> Starting model 1 : lasso 
#> Start fold 1 
#> Start fold 2 
#> Start fold 3 
#> Start fold 4 
#> Start fold 5 
#> Starting model 2 : alasso 
#> Start fold 1 
#> Start fold 2 
#> Start fold 3 
#> Start fold 4 
#> Start fold 5 

#> High-Dimensional Cox Model Validation Object
#> Random seed: 1001 
#> Validation method: k-fold cross-validation
#> Cross-validation folds: 5 
#> Model type: lasso 
#> glmnet model alpha: 1 
#> glmnet model lambda: 0.03893173 
#> glmnet model penalty factor: not specified
#> Time-dependent AUC type: UNO 
#> Evaluation time points for tAUC: 91.25 182.5 273.75 365 456.25 547.5 638.75 730
#> High-Dimensional Cox Model Validation Object
#> Random seed: 1001 
#> Validation method: k-fold cross-validation
#> Cross-validation folds: 5 
#> Model type: alasso 
#> glmnet model alpha: 1 
#> glmnet model lambda: 3.330828 
#> glmnet model penalty factor: specified
#> Time-dependent AUC type: UNO 
#> Evaluation time points for tAUC: 91.25 182.5 273.75 365 456.25 547.5 638.75 730
#> Model type: lasso 
#>              91.25     182.5    273.75       365    456.25     547.5    638.75
#> Mean     0.5514232 0.5750925 0.5908706 0.6486018 0.6315953 0.6615158 0.6475695
#> Min      0.1919192 0.3720636 0.4318947 0.5247777 0.4999633 0.5416780 0.5432238
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.4054983 0.4326005 0.5056009 0.5330110 0.5330110 0.5819999 0.5859288
#> Median   0.6362098 0.5369578 0.5155505 0.5450753 0.5461533 0.5949445 0.6091759
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.6742424 0.7018313 0.6757791 0.8073438 0.7434037 0.7520246 0.6958370
#> Max      0.8492462 0.8320093 0.8255278 0.8328010 0.8354450 0.8369321 0.8036820
#>                730
#> Mean     0.6292095
#> Min      0.5569337
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.5915718
#> Median   0.6105764
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.6746757
#> Max      0.7122901
#>              91.25     182.5    273.75       365    456.25     547.5    638.75
#> Mean     0.5514232 0.5750925 0.5908706 0.6486018 0.6315953 0.6615158 0.6475695
#> Min      0.1919192 0.3720636 0.4318947 0.5247777 0.4999633 0.5416780 0.5432238
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.4054983 0.4326005 0.5056009 0.5330110 0.5330110 0.5819999 0.5859288
#> Median   0.6362098 0.5369578 0.5155505 0.5450753 0.5461533 0.5949445 0.6091759
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.6742424 0.7018313 0.6757791 0.8073438 0.7434037 0.7520246 0.6958370
#> Max      0.8492462 0.8320093 0.8255278 0.8328010 0.8354450 0.8369321 0.8036820
#>                730
#> Mean     0.6292095
#> Min      0.5569337
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.5915718
#> Median   0.6105764
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.6746757
#> Max      0.7122901
#> Model type: alasso 
#>              91.25     182.5    273.75       365    456.25     547.5    638.75
#> Mean     0.5438734 0.6253119 0.6246102 0.6566693 0.6505558 0.6767926 0.6664697
#> Min      0.1161616 0.4108091 0.5219790 0.5361901 0.5334362 0.5378952 0.5394197
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.3891753 0.5148460 0.5289428 0.5577034 0.5361901 0.6129380 0.6162614
#> Median   0.7121212 0.5690552 0.5697782 0.5913443 0.6003684 0.6309677 0.6296160
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.7286432 0.8005930 0.6859652 0.7864692 0.7680248 0.7872057 0.7359087
#> Max      0.7732657 0.8312563 0.8163858 0.8116394 0.8147596 0.8149562 0.8111427
#>                730
#> Mean     0.6646070
#> Min      0.5620190
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.6241618
#> Median   0.6301660
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.7335408
#> Max      0.7731476
#>              91.25     182.5    273.75       365    456.25     547.5    638.75
#> Mean     0.5438734 0.6253119 0.6246102 0.6566693 0.6505558 0.6767926 0.6664697
#> Min      0.1161616 0.4108091 0.5219790 0.5361901 0.5334362 0.5378952 0.5394197
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.3891753 0.5148460 0.5289428 0.5577034 0.5361901 0.6129380 0.6162614
#> Median   0.7121212 0.5690552 0.5697782 0.5913443 0.6003684 0.6309677 0.6296160
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.7286432 0.8005930 0.6859652 0.7864692 0.7680248 0.7872057 0.7359087
#> Max      0.7732657 0.8312563 0.8163858 0.8116394 0.8147596 0.8149562 0.8111427
#>                730
#> Mean     0.6646070
#> Min      0.5620190
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.6241618
#> Median   0.6301660
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.7335408
#> Max      0.7731476
#>              91.25     182.5    273.75       365    456.25     547.5    638.75
#> Mean     0.5514232 0.5750925 0.5908706 0.6486018 0.6315953 0.6615158 0.6475695
#> Min      0.1919192 0.3720636 0.4318947 0.5247777 0.4999633 0.5416780 0.5432238
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.4054983 0.4326005 0.5056009 0.5330110 0.5330110 0.5819999 0.5859288
#> Median   0.6362098 0.5369578 0.5155505 0.5450753 0.5461533 0.5949445 0.6091759
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.6742424 0.7018313 0.6757791 0.8073438 0.7434037 0.7520246 0.6958370
#> Max      0.8492462 0.8320093 0.8255278 0.8328010 0.8354450 0.8369321 0.8036820
#>                730
#> Mean     0.6292095
#> Min      0.5569337
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.5915718
#> Median   0.6105764
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.6746757
#> Max      0.7122901
#>              91.25     182.5    273.75       365    456.25     547.5    638.75
#> Mean     0.5438734 0.6253119 0.6246102 0.6566693 0.6505558 0.6767926 0.6664697
#> Min      0.1161616 0.4108091 0.5219790 0.5361901 0.5334362 0.5378952 0.5394197
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.3891753 0.5148460 0.5289428 0.5577034 0.5361901 0.6129380 0.6162614
#> Median   0.7121212 0.5690552 0.5697782 0.5913443 0.6003684 0.6309677 0.6296160
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.7286432 0.8005930 0.6859652 0.7864692 0.7680248 0.7872057 0.7359087
#> Max      0.7732657 0.8312563 0.8163858 0.8116394 0.8147596 0.8149562 0.8111427
#>                730
#> Mean     0.6646070
#> Min      0.5620190
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.6241618
#> Median   0.6301660
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.7335408
#> Max      0.7731476

plot(, interval = TRUE)
#>              91.25     182.5    273.75       365    456.25     547.5    638.75
#> Mean     0.5514232 0.5750925 0.5908706 0.6486018 0.6315953 0.6615158 0.6475695
#> Min      0.1919192 0.3720636 0.4318947 0.5247777 0.4999633 0.5416780 0.5432238
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.4054983 0.4326005 0.5056009 0.5330110 0.5330110 0.5819999 0.5859288
#> Median   0.6362098 0.5369578 0.5155505 0.5450753 0.5461533 0.5949445 0.6091759
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.6742424 0.7018313 0.6757791 0.8073438 0.7434037 0.7520246 0.6958370
#> Max      0.8492462 0.8320093 0.8255278 0.8328010 0.8354450 0.8369321 0.8036820
#>                730
#> Mean     0.6292095
#> Min      0.5569337
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.5915718
#> Median   0.6105764
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.6746757
#> Max      0.7122901
#>              91.25     182.5    273.75       365    456.25     547.5    638.75
#> Mean     0.5438734 0.6253119 0.6246102 0.6566693 0.6505558 0.6767926 0.6664697
#> Min      0.1161616 0.4108091 0.5219790 0.5361901 0.5334362 0.5378952 0.5394197
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.3891753 0.5148460 0.5289428 0.5577034 0.5361901 0.6129380 0.6162614
#> Median   0.7121212 0.5690552 0.5697782 0.5913443 0.6003684 0.6309677 0.6296160
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.7286432 0.8005930 0.6859652 0.7864692 0.7680248 0.7872057 0.7359087
#> Max      0.7732657 0.8312563 0.8163858 0.8116394 0.8147596 0.8149562 0.8111427
#>                730
#> Mean     0.6646070
#> Min      0.5620190
#> 0.25 Qt. 0.6241618
#> Median   0.6301660
#> 0.75 Qt. 0.7335408
#> Max      0.7731476